04 October 2007

do you have a photo of your partner on your desk ?

i was sitting at a colleague's desk today ... and saw a picture of her [cute] boyfriend ...

and i wondered, how many guys have pictures of their boyfriends on their desks ?


Tales of the City said...

Errm no. I work for a bank in the City. The last bastion of homophobia.

GB said...

What a lovely idea :-). My only problem is that I probably don't have enough room for them all!

GB xxx

Anonymous said...

No boyfriend and no photo. Plus, I don't like clutter :-P

GBD xxx

Will said...

Yes, my desk at M.I.T. had photos of Fritz, both alone and with me. Of course, it's a major university and particularly as I was in the arts there rather than in one of the major core departments of math and science, the atmosphere was very gay-friendly.

Stephen Pendred said...

My ex-boyfriend used to have one of me on his desk, but it was the worst photo of me ever, argh!

SP x

Anonymous said...

Yes I Do.

Englishman in London said...

A photo of a man on my secondary school classroom desk - would never get round to teaching literature - would be all about the bees and the bees, and what is so differnet to the birds and the bees!

Students talking about gay issues positively? Maybe. Colleagues? Not so open minded!