02 June 2008

why not to take back a cheating partner ...

when one finds out that a partner has cheated on you ... after the initial pain subsides ... the possibility of taking them back needs to be considered ...

the main risks to taking them back are:

i) they'll do it again - despite the protestations to the contrary, they may do it again, and all the pain that was caused by the initial infidelity will re-occur ...

ii) the person who was cheated on will always wonder whether the cheater will cheat again - and this will both take up their mental time, and eat away at their positivity ... making the victim a negative / unhappy person ...

iii) the negativity / unhappiness of the person who was cheated on will in turn cause unhappiness for the cheater - the person who had been cheated on won't be a nice person to be around ...


Anonymous said...

Well said and couldn't agree with you more!! Just one more reason my decision to stay a N.S.A. guy is paying off huge dividends. When you're just having fun without the emotional drama baggage part then you can focus on enjoying yourself instead of constant worry for the person you're with. Relationships are great for those who chose them for themselves. I prefer my time and freedom for myself and not to be dragged down by some needy and co-dependent parasite. Can't be cheated on or be a cheater when it's all about the fun.

close encounters said...

my post wasn't meant to be a tirade against relationships in general ... just as a reasoning why i shouldn't try again with my ex !