22 September 2007

my first gay wedding ...

i didn't really know what to expect from a gay wedding ... i'm not really a fan of straight weddings, so didn't expect a gay one to be much better ...

the location was stunning, which helped ... and having professional organisers probably made it run more smoothly than most ... and it seemed much less gay than i was expecting - there seemed to be just a handful of gay couples amongst the 200-odd guests ...

the music was great, but there wasn't any of the usual hymn singing ... and no references to god !

the table you sit at for the meal makes such a big difference to your enjoyment [or otherwise] of a wedding - and luckily at this one, the people were chatty/interesting/fun ... a great combination ...

afterwards, they avoided the usually cringe-worthy first dance ... and the casino to keep the non-dancers busy was an inspired idea ...

and after all the dancing was done and alcohol consumed ... bacon butties went down a treat !

now the danger is that i will expect all gay weddings to be this good ...


Tales of the City said...

Weddings.. it a love/hate thing for me.. Some weddings are amazing fun and some just so painfully tedious. Yes all church services are painful... I sat through a 2 hour Irish Catholic one... luckily it was in Ireland and we started drinking after the wedding from 6pm till 6am. Mine of course was a suitably glamorous affair. It ended up being fun as there was no formality surrounding it..

GB said...

So does it inspire wedding thoughts for you and your bf :-)

GB xxx

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you enjoyed it. A first dance would have been quite tacky.

GBD xxx