21 September 2015

Rugby and fun ...

In case you haven't noticed, it's Rugby World Cup time ... and I took a trip to another city in the UK to watch my country play one of the minnows of the tournament !

Sadly I hadn't managed to persuade any of my family / friends to come on this trip ... but that meant that I was able to look into having some fun after the match ...

One of the guys I chatted to online seemed keen to meet, and lived really close to the stadium ... so we arranged to rendez-vous in the street nearby ...

After some confusion I went to the agreed spot ... and he found me ... I'm not sure I would have recognised him from his photos ... but at least it means that my photos must be reasonably representative !

After getting back to his place, and slowly removing each other's clothes ... it turned out that this guy's dick had the biggest head that I think I've ever seen !  Whilst his dick was generously sized, the head was just enormous !!

After a while we both climaxed.  Quite an enjoyable addition to the rugby win.


Frequent Flier said...

Was he uncut?

close encounters said...

i think so ... but it was quite a while ago, so can't remember too well !

why do you ask ?!